

Monday, 7 November 2011

Eid Al-Adha Mubarak Everyone!

Dear Readers,

I wish my Muslim readers a very warm Eid Al-Adha Mubarak, may Allah accept all our prayers and sacrifices. Ameen!

 "The flesh of sacrificial animals does not reach God and neither their blood ; only piety from you reaches Him." (Quran 22:37)
I  hope Allah accepts the haj pilgrimage of the 2.5 million hajjis, (worshippers) gathered not too far away in Mina, and may they have a safe hajj.

I will do another post on the background of Eid Al-Adha and its its significance in Islam, today's post is dedicated to celebrating Eid and I'm doing it in a rush.

There are certain things which we all associate with Eid, certain dishes, desserts, and rituals. We grow up surrounded by them, and if you are surrounded by family, friends or a Muslim community chances are you will continue to associate  Eid with them wherever you are in the world.

For me one of the best things about Eid was new clothes and Henna. As you grow older, many people buy something few months beforehand and say this is for Eid, and if need be you wear it before Eid once (a thing unheard of for children, clothes had to be brand new!). Other  associations from my childhood include Eidi or money given as a gift to children by family, relatives and friends on the days of Eid. Alas, once you grow up and start working that stops. Henna remains a lasting association with Eid, although somehow I managed not to apply any last Eid, as I was so busy I didn't have time- the horror of having bare hands on Eid! :-P

This year I patiently applied henna to my hands both front and back (I was trying to compensate for last Eid). I was using an old Rani cone tube, it was a bit watery and I bit out of practise, so the results were n't great. But I was satisified, it felt like Eid!

What are your associations with Eid?

Do you like Henna, what kind of designs do you favour?


  1. This is fun..isn't ?I also love Henna too .Yours design are amazing .Love them so much .
    Have more good days ;)

  2. Love your Henna design so much.Eid is fun :)
