

Monday, 23 January 2012

I Don't Understand White People.. Americans

Dear Readers,

The more I blog the more comfortable I am with posting things which maybe of a controversial nature. In real life I avoid controversy and contradiction if I can help it. I'm no doormat though, if you provoke me or if I feel the need to express my values or take a stand I'll do it-passionately. But, I don't enjoy it. The anonymity of a blog, the lack of comments(turns out this can be a good thing) has made me more willing to post things some people might take issue with.

I saw the following video on the Colours of My Life Blog by Shahirah Elaizah, and I found it hilarious so I thought why not share. in my experience I think it is a better caricature of American white people as compared to white Britsh people as the ones in the big cities are more culturally aware.

Having said that, not all white Americans are like this, and even if they are..its a product of the society they have been brought up in- with Fox and CNN shaping their views on the outside world for many.
Even in the U.K, some of the students I became friends with, had never met let alone been friends with a non-white person  there's a reason they don't quite know what to say- at least they are trying...right? Its better than a racial slur.

Again, my dear American readers, this isn't intended to be racist it is supposed to funny, its good for you to know what  the other side thinks when you say such stuff, a bit like the movie Crash but much more light-hearted. Think of it as intercultural dialogue!

.....I LOVE CULTURE!!!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks Izdiher, I think she says underneath her youtube video that she too has a white girl accent, plays lacrosse and generally considers herself weird as well. I don't think she takes herself too seriously, nor expects anyone  else to either. The problem with immigrant's children is that they are stuck between two cultures, not fitting completely in their parents' home country culture nor do they fit fully in their resident country's culture due to religious and again cultural differences. Trust me, I know from experience, its not that bad, and sometimes it is funny, most immigrants' kids have developed a sub-culture which  is mish-mash of the two! It is also unavoidable.

  3. Yeah I can understand that dilemma pretty well and actually I am a very bad person .I judge others in jiff. Can you please remove that comment. I have written a post on it which is enough.

  4. Thanks, Misha.It is so nice you .No your comments on my blog are never rants. I know, I am 99.9 % wrong.

    And Thanks a billion for recommending dailylit
    and project gutenberg.Super cool. ;)

    Jazak Allah kahir.

  5. Thanks for you comment hun!

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    <3 Una

  6. :)
