

Saturday, 26 May 2012

5 Fashion Websites That You Must Follow to Stay Fabulous

Dear Readers,

DO you sometimes find yourself in a fashion rut, or do you feel like you need a style makeover?  Do want to know what latest trends are without the trouble of fighting traffic and crowds to hit your local malls? Well, worry no more, I have rounded up the most popular fashion websites so that you can get your fashion fix, along with your coffee first thing in the morning.

Like Helena Rubinstein once said: There are no ugly women- only lazy ones.

Without further ado here are Fab Five:

1. New York Magazine's Fashion Section
Feast your eyes on the latest fashion shows slides, designers' interviews, what's trending on the Hollywood fashion scene with an edgy NY vibe and much much more.
ny magazine. fashion

2. Elle Magazine's very own website
With cute features like 'required reading', 'obsession of the day', and  'street chic', what's not to love about this site.

elle, magazine

3. My favourite fashion magazine InStyle's site simply had to be on the list.
Their Hollywood makeover section is a must see.
instyle, magazine

4.The Anglophile in me couldn't complete the list without at least one British site, and what could be better than Guardian's fashion page. Check out the lates beauty trends at Cannes round up!
guardian, fashion

5. Finally, for number five I have chosen Fashion Magazine, a very colourful site, with an emphasis on hollywood fashion, how to buy the latest trends online and more.

fashion magazine


  1. Oh thanks for the visit; the flag is not displayed .. shame;)
    Good day :)
