

Monday, 11 June 2012

You Are Not From Jeddah

Dear Readers,

Every time there is a school holiday Jeddah is flooded with visitors from other cities in Saudi Arabia. Now for those of you who maybe unaware, Jeddah is the Paris of Saudi Arabia. Seriously, I kid you not. People think Jeddahwis are quite liberal and rather depraved, I might add. There is a burgeoning expat community, a pretty dormant PVPV or mutawah, and it has the Corniche beach and Obhur Creek beach resorts. The visitors are attracted  to the beach like flies to honey. Its hard to find a place to park from 5pm till 4am!

Many of the Saudi visitors are from Riyadh, and Jeddawis can spot them a mile away. They walk around like they own the place, drive crazier (yes I know its possbile), and love to wear their esteemed headgear everywhere and all the time. You may remember that a while ago I did a post called How Not to Wear a Ghutra/Shemagh, this was targeted generally at Hollywood producers and the odd Western expat trying to assimiliate. Well, now I think I need to do a post targeted at Saudis from Riyadh, Where not to wear the ghutra/shemagh!

Captions are welcome

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1 comment:

  1. Come on dude....ghutra in sea ? of y Aunt lives in Jeddah.
