Wednesday 2 July 2008

Summer Holidays in Saudi

I think I am one of the few people who don't particularly like summer holidays, I think they are much too long. This time the summer holidays in Saudi Arabia have been combined with Ramadan holidays which will result in a three and half month holiday. Woe to all teachers! Although the Ramadan holiday will be nice especially as it will be quite hot this year, I think they should have extended the school year to make up for the time that will be lost next year.

I think once the initial excitement wears off and you catch up on sleep and errands you get bored. Well, that's the case with me. I have had a few rather unpleasant summers..usually August thats a time of year I can never quite feel comfortable with.

Optimist that I am ..and try to be, I will try and make this summer worthwhile instead of just letting the time slip through my fingers. I'm feeling quite restless so just may have enough motivation to get stuff done.

Mainly, I 'm dreading being stuck at home for the better part of three months. I really do need to arrange for a driver. (Women cannot drive in Saudi Arabia, my pet peeve with this country).